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We're bringing you the data behind the Taulia platform for the first time, find out what it means to be part of the only complete Working Capital Management Platform.
We're bringing you the data behind the Taulia platform for the first time, find out what it means to be part of the only complete Working Capital Management Platform.
We are part of SAP, home of the world’s largest B2B network.
We also fully understand the broader ERP ecosystem, so everything fits together intuitively within your native environment, SAP or otherwise.
Taulia provides a complete working capital solution for forward-thinking operations.
Be part of our global community and connect to a network that delivers transparency, resilience, and sustainability.
Millions of businesses
on the network
Over $250 billion in
accelerated early payments
We operate in 172 countries
across the globe
Taulia sheds light on the opportunities for working capital efficiency often buried in the complexity of supply networks.
With experience managing many of the world’s most successful working capital programs, Taulia is your trusted partner on the journey to greater liquidity.
Taulia gives you control of all the working capital levers required to get cash moving faster.
“Our award-winning Sustainable Supply Chain Financing initiative is a tangible demonstration of how the Finance function can play its part in driving sustainability. We are grateful to the Taulia financial technology solution that helps make this possible.”
Julle Pedersen
Treasury Director for Bridgestone Europe, Middle East, India, Africa (EMIA)
Accelerate your cash flow today