
Early Payment


United Kingdom

Transforming internal processes to enhance financial visibility and control

Bell Integration is a global IT services provider with over 450 staff specializing in helping companies reduce their IT operating costs and becoming more agile. They exchange over 1000 invoices monthly with one of their biggest customers, a leading UK telecommunications provider.


Millions of businesses
on the network


Over $250 billion in
accelerated early payments


We operate in 172 countries
across the globe

“Managing our financial process has never been easier – I can raise an invoice instantly, check it’s approval status and request early payment if I want to get paid early. Getting access to cash quickly has been hugely beneficial to our business and has helped us to grow quicker. Using the portal helps me to do my job efficiently and effectively, it’s been a game-changer for our business.”

Jamie Temple, Credit Control Manager


Bell’s business was growing quickly and managing their cash flow was becoming a challenge due to their customer’s complex internal finance processes. Working with one of the UK’s biggest telecommunications providers created ample business opportunity, but navigating multiple operating companies, their finances teams, as well as multiple time zones, took considerable time and resource. Bell would spend time requesting purchase orders, invoices, and payment status updates from their customer. This would often cause delays and even lead to late payment, which negatively affected Bell’s ability to manage their own cash flow; making forecasting and subsequent growth strategies difficult to bring to fruition.


After being onboarded onto the Taulia platform in late 2015, Bell quickly took advantage of the opportunity to take control over when approved invoices would be paid. This visibility into cash flow and the certainty of when payment would be made, allowed for more accurate forecasting and predictable cash flows. This not only improved the relationship between Bell and their customer but also facilitated Bell’s growth ambitions so much so that new business opportunities were found between Bell and the customer.


Since adopting the Taulia platform, Bell’s financial relationship with their customer has tremendously improved. Working together seamlessly with their customer has enabled Bell to supercharge their internal productivity and capitalize on their rapid growth. The Taulia platform allows Bell’s team to get full visibility into their invoice approval process, allowing them to fully manage their cash flow and plan for their future. Using the platform, Bell can also request early payment as and when necessary. Through the single portal, Bell has full control over their financial processes, enabling them to focus on delivering exceptional customer service and value to the people who matter most. 

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