
Taulia 库存解决方案帮助您确保供应、提高效率、保存现金,同时降低 DIO(存货周转天数)。

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交货期过长,会影响库存水平与需求预估的差距。借助 Taulia 的库存解决方案,可将在途期间的货权转移,完全满足根据生产需求进行库存调配。



库存短缺越来越普遍,在工厂附近建立安全库存可降低库存短缺带来的风险。我们的方案可在不影响您的资产负债表和 DIO 的前提下,实现弹性供应链安排。



供应商可能会出于费用等原因不同意采用寄售方式或供应商自设库存,Taulia 的库存解决方案能恰到好处地解决供应商难题,供应商完全可以将库存需求外包给我们,而这一切的流程非常简单。

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is inventory management? Inventory management is a systematic approach to sourcing, storing, and selling inventory. Effective inventory management involves optimizing the flow of goods within an organization, from purchase right through to sale, always ensuring that an appropriate quantity is available in the right place and at the right time to meet customer demand. Inventory in…
What is the procurement life cycle? The procurement cycle is the process businesses use to find and obtain goods. It involves multiple steps, including identifying the need for a good or service, finding the right supplier, negotiating terms, creating a purchase order, and receiving the delivery. It’s also known as the procurement life cycle or,…
What is supply chain management? Supply chain management (SCM) describes the process businesses use to manage the flow of goods, data, and payments throughout a supply chain. Effective supply chain management is instrumental in ensuring every element of the supply chain works towards achieving broader business objectives, whether that’s cost-efficiency, resilience, quick order fulfillment, or…
What is inventory cycle time? Inventory cycle time is the amount of time it takes to produce and deliver an order from a customer, usually measured in days. It essentially measures the speed at which a company can complete the manufacturing or assembly process from start to end, turning raw materials or components into a…




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